Introduction to Email in ConveYour

What Can You Do with Email in ConveYour?

  • Schedule automated follow-ups (e.g., send a special offer email to a visitor two hours after they view a sign-up page).

  • Introduce learners to a course/campaign or send a follow-up email.

  • Send messages to groups and track results/metrics.

  • Send individual messages when needed.

  • Trigger automated messages based on specific conditions.

  • Use placeholders to personalize emails for multiple recipients.

Reporting on Email Performance

To track the effectiveness of your emails:

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Sent Messages.

  2. View key email metrics, including:

    • Number of sent messages

    • Open rate (number of people who opened the email)

    • Reply rate (number of responses received)

    • Click-through rate (if a link was included)

    • Unsubscribe rate

Types of Email Messaging in ConveYour

Individual Messaging

Send a direct email to a single contact.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Contacts.

  2. Open a contact profile by clicking the arrow next to their name.

  3. Click More > Send New Email.

  4. The email will appear in a new thread, separate from text messages.

Group Messaging

Target a specific audience segment with personalized messaging.

  • Create a group based on conditions (e.g., total points greater than 1000).

  • Send emails as a lesson item in a course to reach all learners.

  • Use placeholders to pull in contact-specific data dynamically.

Automated Messaging

Set up automations to send emails based on specific conditions.

  • One-time triggers (e.g., send a congratulatory email when a learner reaches 1000 points).

  • Course announcements (e.g., send an update to all learners in a course).

Individual Messaging

Individual messages are sent to single contacts:

  • From main menu select Contacts

  • Open a contact profile simply by clicking on the arrow next to the name from your List

  • Send messages by clicking on more > Send New Email

  • Messages show up as new threads with email, and a single thread with text messages

Using Placeholders for Personalization

Placeholders allow you to insert contact-specific data into emails automatically. When sending a group email, placeholders fill in with each recipient’s details to maintain a personalized touch.‍