
Groups Introduction

Dynamically segment your contacts using groups in ConveYour

Group Creation, Filtering and Setup

Learn how to create and setup groups to segment your contacts.

Group Filtering and Condition Examples

Examples on how you can segment your contact list into different groups using filters and conditions.

Working with Tag Groups

Tag groups can effectively be used for sorting existing contacts and new contacts or leads.

Creating a Group from Individual Course Activity

Easy creation of a group based on the activity of an individual in your course.

Share Groups with Other Collaborators in ConveYour

Sharing ConveYour groups with other collaborators, stakeholders, and reps.

Groups Folders

Organize your groups by using folders.

How to Add Date Expressions to Group Filters

This guide will walk you through creating a custom "Time" field and setting up groups based on time filters. Use this for scheduling important events, interviews, or tracking start dates on contact profiles.