How to Export & Import Campaigns to Different Teams

Transferring a campaign from one team to another on ConveYour is a quick and efficient way to streamline collaboration and ensure consistency across your organization. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of exporting a campaign from one team and importing it into another. This allows you to replicate successful campaigns, share resources, or easily shift content between teams without the need to recreate anything from scratch. Follow these steps to smoothly move your campaigns while keeping all your lessons intact.

Follow this step-by-step guide to easily export a campaign from one team and import it into another on ConveYour.

Step 1: Exporting the Campaign

  1. Locate the Campaign

    • Click the three dots next to the campaign title you want to export.

  2. Export the Campaign

    • Select “Export.” The campaign file will download to your browser or device.

Step 2: Importing the Campaign to Another Team

  1. Switch Teams

    • Switch to the team where you'd like to copy the campaign.

  2. Navigate to Templates

    • Go to the Campaign tab and click Templates on the left-hand side.

  3. Upload the Campaign

    • On the Templates tab, click New Template in the top right corner and upload the campaign file you just exported.

Step 3: Creating the Campaign

  1. Create the New Campaign

    • After uploading the campaign file, click the three dots next to the campaign template name and choose Create Campaign.

  2. Use Existing Lessons (optional)

    • If you don’t want to recreate the lessons, select Use Existing Lessons. This will automatically create a lesson folder in the new team's Lessons tab, containing all the lessons used in the campaign.

Final Steps

  • Dial in Registration & Confirmation Messages

    • Adjust any registration and confirmation messages for the new campaign.

  • Update Lesson Release Dates

    • Ensure all lesson release dates are up to date and aligned with your new schedule.

  • Change Banner Images

    • Update any banner images for your new campaign to match the team’s branding or goals.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with the setup, feel free to reach out to our Support Team through the chat or at [email protected]. We're here to help!